Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hawaii in April

Jake and I recently went on an couples trip to Hawaii. Yes, that means no kids. We spent five days hanging out with Jake's two older brothers and their wives. The boys went on a couple of scuba dives and the girls hung out at the beach and and went shopping. It was truly bliss. We spent one day all together and went snorkeling. I got to swim with gigantic sea turtles. It was AWESOME.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Farewell to Baby Teeth

As some of you parents out there know losing your baby teeth is a really big deal to kids. Especially so for my youngest daughter Lizzie. She has been pestering me for over a year now as to when she would finally start losing her baby teeth. Every time her older sister would lose a tooth and get visited by the tooth fairy she would start asking if her teeth felt loose. It was especially hard when our puppy lost two teeth and Lizzie still had not lost any. However, the crisis is at an end. Lizzie lost her first tooth on November 2, 2008.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well quite a lot has happened since I last posted. I will try to make this brief. School started the middle of August and my life changed drastically. This is my first year with both of my girls in all day school. Anybody who knows me well knows I cried for days. Ya right.

I now spend my days watching soaps and eating bon bons. Or so my husband likes to tell his friends.

Jake stays busy being a full-time firefighter. One of these days he hopes to actually fight a fire.

The girls stay busy with school, dance, gymnastics and who can terrorize our puppy the most. As of right now I'd say they are pretty much tied.

Cleo, our puppy, just graduated from puppy class and we are all thrilled. She now does her business outside, sleeps through the night and lets me walk her instead of her walking me. One of these days we hope she'll stop eating our socks and shoes, but hey nobody is perfect.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Our New Baby

Last Sunday we brought home the newest member of our family. She weighed 5 lb 6 oz. and had curly white hair. We named her Cleo and she is so pretty.

Of course it's a puppy I'm not having any more children.

After living three years in student housing our children were dying to get a pet and as you can see we finally caved.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Independence Day

Sorry for the long absence but life has been crazy. Here is the list of things that have kept me busy.

1. Finals

2. Find a house

3. Pack up old house

4. Move to new house

5. Unpack new house

6. Paint inside of new house (from top to bottom)

7. Buried my dad

As you can see, a very busy couple of months. However, I am now trying to get back to my regular schedule.

As some of you know my father passed away recently. I just wanted to thank all of my friends and family members who were so suportive during that time. My family and I really appreciate it.

Recently was the fourth of July and our family spent it at the Stadium of Fire. It was really good. The Blue Man Group was very entertaining and Glenn Beck was also great. However, the best part of the night (according to my children) was Miley Cyrus. Personally, I loved the fireworks. They were phenominal.

Here are some pictures of our day. Also, for some of you out there who wanted a picture of my house, I'll throw that in too.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lizzie's Big Debut

I have finally figured out how to get my videos onto my computer. This is really good news for all my family out of state. Sorry to everybody else out there who now has to watch my home videos.
Recently my youngest, Lizzie, was involved in her school's Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme Performance. It was really well done and very fun to watch. However, for all of you out there who are not really interested in watching four minutes of my daughter acting a little peculiar, don't worry I will not quiz you on it later. This is mainly for our family that lives out of state and who miss everything.

As you can all see my daughter was made for the stage.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not Really 25

I feel I need to clear the air. The other day I stated in my blog that I was 25 and some of my friends thought this was true. For all of you who didn't catch my joke let me just say that my oldest daughter turned 8 this year. Truly, I did not start having children when I was 17.